The best of three worlds Vince Poppe perfects a three-way composite
Carrie Stadheim Tri-State Livestock News December 30, 2013 Information is power The Ellsworth, Neb., man was in on the ground level of...
Beef Extension Specialist talks value of hybrid vigor
Kris Ringwall NDSU Extension Beef Specialist Tri-State Livestock News Herd size and fence are determining factors when bull selection is...
Padlock Ranch Wins BQA Award
Story by Robyn Scherer, M.AgR. The Fence Post Photos Courtesy of Padlock Ranch Spread out over 500,000 acres, 11,000 calves a year are...
Advantages of Composite Cattle
Heather Smith Thomas Tri-State Livestock News April 15, 2010 Composites are gaining in popularity today because they simplify the...
Mark your calendar for March 3, 2018 - 3PM MST - Falllon, Montana
80 BULLS 40 COMPOSITES \\ 40 SIM ANGUS ​ More performance, less birth \\ Ultrasound, BVD, PI, Pap & DNA Tested Bulls that will add...
Photo taken by our talented friend & neighbor, Stephanie Stephanie Helland Eayrs
Photo taken by our talented friend & neighbor, Stephanie Stephanie Helland Eayrs Eayrs Ranch, Fallon, Montana
Catalogs are at the press, will be in mailboxes soon!
... Catalogs are at the press, will be in mailboxes soon! Feel free to drop a line to request one, as well! Here's a digital version to...